These are class kits and/or suggested optional items that you'll need to participate in Carl Linstrum's Draw 100 class at SCAD. The items in your kit were selected by the instructor and are recommended so that you'll obtain the best results with their techniques.
Your kits are curated by hand for you by one of our human team members.
*You can select flat rate shipping for $25.00 for this kit (and any extras) unless you choose "Pick-up" at Piedmont Location at checkout.
Please wait for a confirmation call from us before you come to the BUCKHEAD location to pick up your kit. If you come to pick up your kit before you receive a confirmation call, it may not be ready for you.
Kit Contents
- 2 Castell Pncl 9000 2B
- 2 each 4B drawing pencil
- 2 each 6B drawing pencil
- 2 Design Ebony Pncl Blk
- Peel & Sktch Charc Asst
- Art Alternatives Charc Drawing 6Stick
- Little Red Sharpener w/Canister
- 2 Alphacolor 3Pk Wht
- Staedtler Mars Plastic Eraser
- Kneaded Eraser Grey w/Case
- 400 Drawing Med 80# 18x24
- Mi-T 19x25 Steel Grey #431
- 2 AA Bulldog HD Clip 3in
- Workable Fix Spray 11oz
- 811 Removeable Tp 3/4inx36yd
- Artist Tp Wht 3/4in x 60yd
- Sktchbk Wire Bound 9x12
- Stumps Blending #2 3/16in 2pk
- Super Blk Brd 11x14 Sht
- Bag Mesh Wht 20x26 W/Handle
Required but NOT included in kit