Neelu Manish - Supply Kit: Expressions in Light

Neelu Manish
Online Watercolor workshop
Supply List

Palette, water container, masking tape, Masking fluid, clips, towels, rock salt, large spray bottle, fabric towels, hair dryer, pencil/eraser, etc. IF you have an iPad/tablet, it can be used to display reference photos.

High quality paper (Arches, Fabriano Artistico, Hahnemuhle, etc.). I typically use 140lb Cold Press or Hot (Arches or Fabriano Artistico), artwork size is your choice but not large than 16*20 inches. also have at least 11*15 sheet for watercolor techniques.

Complete your drawing before we start painting.

Professional Brand Tube Paint: (Daniel Smith,Holbein,Mgra ham,Your choice of colors, but have some form of the primaries: Yellow, Red, Blue, a dark such as Indigo or Payne’s Gray, sepia and Titanium white.


On my color palette I always used: cadmium yellow light, aureolin , gamboge, Permanent red, permanent rose , scarlet lake, winsor green (yellow shade) , hooker green , bamboo green ,Aussie red gold ,cobalt violet , alizarin crimson ,quinacridone red, indigo, phthalocyanine blue ,sepia, quinacridone gold, burnt sienna , carbazole violet,


Brushes: A variety of rounds and 1 or ¾ inch flat brush will probably work fine. I recommend a variety of Synthetic Brushes: Escoda Round or Silver Black Velvet.


Reference Photos, Drawing Guides, typed outlines, and additional directions and resources will be provided closer to the workshop date. so that participants have their drawings pre-drawn Prior to class.