Kristin Compton - Drawing & Painting

Drawing & Painting – All Mediums All Levels Instructor: Kristin Compton

CLASS PHILOSOPHY: Create art in whatever medium you want! If you want to work in acrylics every time, that’s fine. If you want to paint oils one week and watercolors the next, that’s fine too! You choose your medium in this class.

BRUSHES: For whatever medium of paint you are using, have one the following or whatever you already have.

-  One 1” flat brush

-  One # 2 round brush

-  One # 6 round brush

-  One # 12 round brush

SUPPORTS: Bring in the support, paper, canvas, or board that’s appropriate to your chosen medium.

PAINTS: Please buy the best paint that you can afford- better quality paints make for better paintings. Artist grade paints are what to look for. You can use a variety of different brands. Also feel free to get any other colors that speak to you. You can also just pick up a ready-made set. Also have any mediums/cleaners/odorless turpentine you need for your paints.

Basic Colors You Should Have: Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue, Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna, Titanium White, Bone Black

Fun Colors: Quidacridone Red, Cadmium Orange, Hansa Yellow, Pthalo Green, Sap Green, Cobalt Blue, Pthalo Blue, Dioxazine Violet, Quidacridone Violet

PASTELS: Bring whatever colors or sets you have, just make sure you have a wide range of values. DRAWING MATERIALS:

-  Pens, inks - Oil pastels

-  Pencils - Whatever you want to

-  Charcoal use!

-  Markers


ADDITIONAL MATERIALS: If applicable to your medium

-  One large water container (large multi-serve yogurt containers are awesome)

-  Paper towels- I love Viva Signature Cloth

-  #2B pencils

-  A plastic palette

-  Erasers

-  Painter’s Tape or Masking tape

-  White gel pen

-  Small spray bottle