Diana Toma - Prima in Oils
Painting Cityscapes Loosely Alla - Prima in Oils
Painting Portraits Loosely Alla - Prima in Oils Instructor: Diana Toma
- 1 stretched canvas or canvas panel (11x14 or smaller) per class. I will use 8x10 to demo
- 2 oil paintbrushes: flats or brights, size 8 and up
- Roll of Viva paper towels
- Small plastic bag (grocery bag is great)
- Oil paints, can be any brand
- Titanium White
- Cadmium Yellow
- Ultramarine Blue
- Alizarin Crimson
NOTE:These are the basics. lf you want to add more colors to your palette, you may. I have in my pallette these following colors:
- Foundation Grey
- Oxide de Chromium
- Phthalo Blue
- Van Dyke Brown
- Burnt Umber
- Palette (l like to use glass taped to foam core)
- Oodorless mineral spirits
- Pharmaceutical gloves (get them at the drug store)
- Painter’s apron
- Tape (any kind)
I will email you photos for you to paint from for each session.