Chery Baird - Beginning / Intermediate Painting

Painting - Beginning & Intermediate Instructor: Chery Baird (only check about once a week) 770-448-5000 - please call if you have any questions



  • 8 - 22 x 30 in. paper - may be gessoed (Lenox 100 at Binder’s, Pearl’s or Utrecht)

  • 1 inch masking or drafting tape

  • 1 quart matte or gloss medium (not gel medium)

  • every brush you own that you want to use with acrylic paint - you will at least need a natural not

    synthetic pig bristle brush that is at least 1 in. (the bristle brush that I recommend Princeton or

    Sky Brushes in a Flat)

  • old cloth to wipe brushes on - paper towels will not work as well

  • 12 x 16 high sheen disposable palette or equivalent (Canson or Strathmore poly-coated paper

    palette - has a high gloss finish, don’t get one with a hole)

  • viewer - empty slide cardboard, don’t purchase this (you either use an empty slide cardboard or

    make one)


  • cadmium yellow light

  • yellow oxide or yellow ochre

  • raw sienna

  • mars black

  • french ultramarine blue

  • thalo blue or pthalo blue - green shade

  • thalo crimson - made by Grumbacher only or Quinacridone Crimson by

  • cadmium red light

  • napthol crimson

  • thalo green or pthalo green - blue shade

  • dioxzine purple

  • titanium white - a large tube (do not buy liquitex basic)

  • napthol red lt.

  • hookers green

  • thio violet by Grumbacher or utrecht quinacra violet

    I recommend Liquitex, Grumbacher, Golden or Utrecht, they all make clear colors. You may bring any other colors that you have also.