Margaret Dyer - Pastels and Oils
Morning Pastels and Oils!
Evening Pastels and Oils! Instructor: Margaret Dyer 678-520-4151
If painting with oils:
Supply List
- Easels and tables are provided.
• Palette: whatever you’re comfortable with--wood, paper, etc. I like working on glass, taped to foamcore. 16x20 is a good size.
• Canvas or canvas board: 1 per day, 11x14, 12x16, 16x20. Your choice.
• Paints: Rembrandt Transparent Red Oxide. Any other brand of: burnt umber, cadmium lemon, alizarin, ultramarine blue, titanium white, black. Those are the essentials. You can bring more colors if you want.
• Brushes: whatever style you’re comfortable with. I like working with flats with long synthetic flexible bristles, size 8 and 12, and a larger brush, an inch wide.• Optional: Pharmaceutical gloves and apron (if you’re anything like me, you’ll have paint all over your hands and clothes).
• Gamsol for washing brushes and thinning paint (or odorless turpenoid) and a sealable container (wide mouth glass jar, can, etc.)
• Viva paper towels
• Plastic bags for your trash, at least one per day.
• On days we have a live model, bring a large newsprint pad and charcoal for gesture sketches in beginning of class.
If painting with soft pastels (not oil pastels):
- Easels and tables are provided.
• Paper: at least one piece of middle-tone paper per day (think gray or olive green, not beige or buff). No smaller than 11x14 and no larger than 18x24. Your choice of paper: Sennellier La Carte, Art Spectrum, Wallis (you’ll have to tone Wallis), PastelBord or similar gritty pastel papers. You might want to have a second piece available in case you want to start a new piece.
• Compressed charcoal or black or brown NuPastel.
• Backboard and clips (Foam core is cheap and lightweight).
• Soft Pastels – Preferably 60 or more (Schmincke, Unison, Art Spectrum, Terry Ludwig, Rembrandt, Grumbacher, etc.).
• Optional: Pharmaceutical gloves and apron.• On days we have a live model, bring a large newsprint pad and charcoal for gesture sketches in beginning of class.